October 17, 2024


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Destiny 2 Season of Dawn Review

3 min read

With Season of Worthy right around the corner (it’s literally a week away) we finally can look back on this season. With the benefit of hindsight, we can look at all of the content from this season and slap a score on it. Because what says worth better than an arbitrary number right?!

Story Time With Saint 14

“My name is Saint14. They call me the greatest Titan who ever lived. But I would be dead if not for you. Since the day I met you, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example.”

Season of Dawn’s story is pretty simple, save Saint 14 and correct the timeline before the Cabal succeed. There were some definite upsides to this story line. Saint 14’s quest was very nostalgic and heartfelt, Osiris confronting Rasputin was badass and there’s a potential Vanguard fallout around the corner.

Downside, it was all so freaking short, and for a story line on time travel, it was not very complex. There was a really cool moment a few weeks ago where we had to enter a bunch of codes into the Infinite Forest. Codes which resulted in us seeing our own grave and a glimpse of the future.

Overall, the story was pretty cool. It was definitely an improvement on the story last season which was basically: “hey, there’s some Vex. Go shoot them in the face”.

Weapons, weapons, oh look, MOAR WEAPONS

Where Season of Dawn seems to have some divisive opinions was the amount of gear that we got. Because outside of weapons, there was very little new to pursue in terms of gear.

Sure, we got the new armor set from the Season Pass and we got a few new exotic armor pieces. Unfortunately, that was really it. We didn’t get much in the way of making our Guardian look much different, and once again, the best armor was Eververse.

Where this gear did succeed was the weapons, because the Sundial weapons were freaking amazing! Whether it was Line in the Sand with Firing Line or Patron of Lost Causes with Triple Tap/Explosive rounds. Oh boy, there were some good weapons! And the Season Pass weapons were amazing as well, Trophy Hunter is basically a legendary Whisper!

Not to mention the Exotics we got. Devils Ruin (or Baby One Thousand Voices) was super unique and Bastion melts opponents in Crucible!

Time to Complain About Eververse

Whether you’re a new player or a veteran, you’re inevitably aware of some big changes coming to Destiny. These changes next season include sniper nerfs, shotgun buffs, fusion rifle buffs and numerous subclass adjustments.

Unfortunately, there is one major thing missing from these changes to the game: Eververse.

Season of Dawn proved to me that Eververse needs to fine tune some things. Just to name one complaint in general is the cost of things in the Silver store.

I should not have to spend 20$ to get a set of armor, and yes, you can get the armor at various stages of the Season for Bright Dust. I would like to rant some more, but it’s just not going to change any time soon.

Season of Dawn Final Thoughts and Score

While there were some definite lowpoints to this season, such as; a short story, lack of armor and minimal changes. There were some absolutely stellar moments as well, such as; Saint 14’s return, Shaxx singing and badass new weapons.

If this is what we should expect for seasonal content, I think I’m okay with the execution of it. While I hope we do still get a large content drop every year or so, this is a good amount of content for what the price is.

Overall score: 8/10

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