October 18, 2024


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Yesterday’s PlayStation State of Play featured a lot of announcements and glimpses into upcoming games for the PS4 and PS5, and the show was capped off with a new look at Final Fantasy XVI.

This is the first mainline entry into the series since Final Fantasy XV in 2016, and looks to be returning to the classic fantasy setting that has been absent from the games for quite some time. It is being developed by the team behind Final Fantasy XIV, with Ryota Suzuki – designer of Devil May Cry – helping as the battle director.

The trailer itself showed us a lot of what we have come to expect from the Final Fantasy series: big bosses, epic combat, and a lot of different kinds of summons, called Eikons. These won’t just be summons, though, as they are also an integral part of the game’s story with the people behind Eikons possessing great political power in the world.

The biggest news of the trailer, arguably, is that the game is going to be a PS5 exclusive. This means that Xbox players are out of luck, as well as anyone on the PS4. However, the trailer did mention the game would be coming to PC at some point in the future. A surprising move, given the popularity of the franchise, but one that is sure to be big for the Sony console.

Final Fantasy XVI will be releasing in the Summer of 2023.

For all your gaming news and more, be sure to check back in here with BuzzHash.

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