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Gaming Developer Unity Software to Go Public

2 min read

Unity Software gas officially gone public

Cleaning Up After Epic

Unity Software has long been a privately traded entity despite its popularity among indie game developers and software technicians. In particular, Unity Software has been long used in the Mobile and Indie department above any other Engine creator.

Including developers/engine software like Unreal, CryEngine or Frostbite. Meaning that Unity Software has an extremely well established base of fans, and will most likely benefit very strongly from a public platform.

“We estimate that in 2019, on a global basis, 53% of the top 1,000 mobile games on the Apple  (AAPL) – Get Report App Store and Google  (GOOGL) – Get Report Play and over 50% of such mobile games, PC games and console games combined were made with Unity.”

I mean, honestly that’s an impressive amount of the industry that Unity Software controls. Especially considering, as mentioned above, the insane popularity of Epic Games and the Unreal Engine. Funnily enough though, Epic Games may be exactly why Unity Software now wants to go public.

Apple and Google have since been playing hard ball with Epic Games

Over the last week or so, Epic Games has been embroiled in a feud between Apple and Google over monetary sharing of the Fortnite IP. More specifically, new options for customers to purchase Fortnite, which undercut both of the app stores that the mobile version was present on.

Apple and Google have since been playing hard ball with Epic Games. Removing Fortnite from their respective app stores and telling Epic to get lost. Which means that the market is suddenly wide open for a new Software company to scoop up the means of competition.

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Quite honestly, if there was one Software company that could come in and compete with Epic Games, it would absolutely be Unity Software.

The company reported a 39% increase in revenue from 2019 in the first half of 2020. Increasing from $252.8 million in the second half of 2019, to $351.3 million in the first half of 2020. Their total revenue in 2019 was $541.8 million which was a 42% increase from the $380.8 million in 2018.

Won’t Be That Easy

Overall, Unity Software has been performing pretty well under the radar for the last couple of years. But, they are also getting into an extremely competitive market, saturated by AAA companies with native Engine Software.

EA holds a strong market majority, and their Frostbite Engine is pretty widely used across several notable AAA games. Activision holds a significant amount of the industry as well, and holds the rights over several different physics engines. Nvidia is probably the biggest competitor, as it’s Software empire just got picked up by Mercedes-Benz.

So time will tell when it comes to Unity Software’s performance in the public market. Even though it would be a difficult amount of competition to overcome, due to their reliance on Mobile and Indie, they might do very well. Particularly with Apple and Google looking for the next big investment.


For more news on Unity Software and finance, stay tuned right here at Scoophash.

11 thoughts on “Gaming Developer Unity Software to Go Public

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