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Star Wars Squadrons Gameplay – It Looks Pretty Slick

3 min read
Star Wars: Squadrons is shaping up to be another home run!

The gameplay reveal for Star Wars: Squadrons has us all kinds of excited!

May the Force Be With You

You know, we have our share of criticisms when it comes to how Disney has handled the movies. But the last couple of games have been on point. Star Wars: Squadrons however, looks to be another home run for the team. That is if it releases at this same level of quality.

IGN posted a gameplay video, showing off the various different things that we can expect from Star Wars: Squadrons. Fast paced aerial combat, highly detailed graphics, massive fleet battles, intense multiplayer and more!

Star Wars: Squadrons takes place from a first person point of view. Meaning that you’re seated in the cockpit at all times during dogfights. Some people may lament that fact, but it will serve to make the game feel both more intense, and more personal. Putting yourself in the physical cockpit is the best way to play simulators.

Multiplayer is certainly going to be the highlight for some, but there is a single player component being woven into the game. While details and actual plot points are scarce, due to the game not being released, we can assume it’ll take place from two different POVs.

grand sweeping battles will be plentiful in this game

One will take place from the rebellion side and the other will take place from the Empire side. Whichever is the better one, remains to be seen. Hopefully it’s a step up from Star Wars: Battlefront II, because the story of Iden Versio was pretty bland. 

But what about the epic space battles? Well, if you watched the gameplay video of it, you can see that epic, grand sweeping battles will be plentiful in this game. Fleet battles promise all sorts of epic showdowns as you fight alongside your friends in an attempt to destroy the Flagship. 

If you are familiar with the older Rogue Squadron games then you might have an idea of what to expect from these battles. However, when you mix in the graphical prowess of Frostbite, and the scale of Battlefront, you haven’t seen anything like this.

Back in the original Battlefront II, there was a space combat proponent of the game. You had to cross from your flagship to the other, either in transports or in fighters. Causing as much damage as possible before the other team did the same.

Sounds to us like Star Wars: Squadrons is borrowing from the best to make something completely fun and unique. At least we can hope so.

the game will be fully crossplay compatible

Equally exciting news is the confirmation that the game will be fully crossplay compatible. Both in game and in chat. Xbox, Playstation, PC and even VR crossplay will be fully available from day one.

Nowadays, crossplay definitely has some sour notes for people to chew on. With issues plaguing games like Warzone, some people are getting turned off of the idea. Here, we know that cheating is not as rampant as some people make it out to be.

Some people have just never truly dealt with it before. 

Nonetheless, we are excited for Star Wars: Squadrons! It looks like an absolute blast to play, and if it happens to have a good story alongside; then we can mark it up as another homerun! Just calm down on the Lootboxes, EA.


For more updates, videos and articles on Star Wars: Squadrons, stay tuned here at Scoophash!

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